DISCLAIMER; - The information on this blog stie is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  All content including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog site is for general information only.  NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS BLOG SITE

In wEIGHT LOSS REVIEW.101 you will learn about how you can loose weight and take care of yourself.  The only things you actually need is commitment to achieve you r desired goals.  Focus, persistence and a positive atitude to your well-being will make you successful

12 tips to help you lose weight

1. Do not skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you mayend up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.                               


2. Eat regular meals

Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.


3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – 3 essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.


4. Get more active

Being active is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing lots of health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you cannot lose through diet alone.

Find an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine.


5. Drink plenty of water

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need.

6. Eat high fibre foods

Foods containing lots of fibre can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas and lentils.


7. Read food labels     

Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance.


8. Use a smaller plate

Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

9. Do not ban any foods

Do not ban any foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like. Banning foods will only make you crave them more. There's no reason you cannot enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay within your daily calorie allowance.


 10. Do not stock junk food

To avoid temptation, do not stock junk food – such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks – at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.

11. Cut down on alcohol

A standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate. Over time, drinking too much can easily contribute to weight gain.

12. Plan your meals

Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.

Why is your weight important?

Coronary heart disease is the world’s single biggest killer. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of coronary heart disease. All health professionals wants to help you fight back. 

Research shows that reaching and keeping to a healthy weight can cut your risk because it helps prevent and manage conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes that put you at greater risk of coronary heart disease. So now it’s down to you.

Do I need to lose weight?

Medical professionals use a measurement called body mass index (BMI), to work out which of four categories you fall into – underweight, ideal weight, overweight or obese. Your BMI is calculated using your weight and height measurements. 

If you’re in the overweight or obese categories, you are at increased risk of a number of health conditions, including coronary heart disease. By losing and maintaining a healthy weight you can help reduce your risk and manage some existing health problems.

Are you a healthy shape?

As well as checking your BMI it is also important to measure your waist size. Your shape, as much as your weight, can affect your health risk. Fat around your middle can increase your risk of getting heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. 

That’s because these fat cells produce toxic substances that cause damage to your body. You can work out if you’re at increased risk by simply measuring your waist. Find the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips, and measure around your middle at a point mid-way between these. 

For many people this will be at the level of the tummy button. Remember not to breathe in! Increased risk Severe risk Men (white European) Over 94cm (37”) over 102cm (40”) Men (African-Caribbean, South Asian and  some other minority ethnic groups) – over 90cm (35.5”) Women (white European) Over 80cm (32”) over 88cm (35”) Women (African-Caribbean, South Asian and some other minority ethnic groups) – over 80cm (32”)

What weight should you aim for?

While you might have an ‘ideal weight’ in mind, a little goes a long way when it comes to weight loss. Research has shown that losing 5-10% of your body weight can have big benefits in terms of your health. It’s also important to set realistic targets as you go along, and 5-10% of your present weight is a great short-term target for weight loss. 

This doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t lose more than 10% of your body weight. Once you have achieved the initial weight loss, you should look at your goals and take 10% of your new body weight to make that your new goal. As you progress on your weight loss journey you can continue to aim for a 10% weight loss to achieve a healthy weight.

Understanding weight gain

To understand how weight gain and loss works, it can be helpful to think about your body as a balance of energy in and energy out. You take in energy through the calories in your food, and then you burn this energy off through your daily routine – through things like walking, shopping and going to work.

To stay the same weight, your energy in and energy out need to be the same. Weight gain happens when you take in more energy than you need.

Think about the last time you were able to lose weight. What was different between then and now? For example, did you have someone to support you, were you more active, did you have less opportunity to snack between meals?

If you lost weight, then put it back on, what do you think caused you to regain weight? How quickly did the weight come back on again? Why do you think you have found it difficult to stick to changes in your eating and activity patterns?

What have you learned from previous weight loss attempts that can help you stick with eating or activity changes this time?

Facing the challenges

It can be easy to focus on the positive things that can come from losing weight such as buying new clothes, feeling great, and having more energy.

But often there is a cost too – to lose weight you might need to change things that you enjoy or have been doing for a long time, like eating less than others around you or changing your schedule to do more activity.

Thinking about the advantages and disadvantages realistically will help you predict the things that might make your plans difficult to stick to. This way you can think ahead and find ways to overcome the obstacles.      


Set yourself SMART goals

Once you’ve decided what changes you need to make to your diet and feel ready to make them, set yourself some goals. Goals help you focus on making realistic changes that will make a real difference to you. When setting your goals make sure they are S.M.A.R. T.


Be clear about the change you are making. Don’t just say “I’m going to eat less” think about exactly how that will happen. Are you going to reduce your portion sizes, cut down on snacks or change what you drink?


You should be able to measure your success. So decide how many of your snacks you are going to cut out or what you will have for breakfast each day. By making your goal measurable, you’ll be able to check whether you’ve been successful in making the change.


 Be realistic about the changes you plan to make.  You’re more likely to succeed if you make small, gradual changes rather than trying to do everything at once.  So start with the key areas you need to work on and build up from there.


Make sure your goals focus on what you really need to change. Your food diary will help you pick out the most important areas to work on.


Write down when or how often you will make the change. Write down when you want to have achieved the change. This will make it easier for you to work out if you have achieved your goal.

The principles of success

To help you lose weight, you need to take in less energy, and burn more energy up. This means you need to eat fewer calories.  However, cutting down the quantity of food you eat is a difficult change to make and doing it the wrong way – for example by skipping meals – can be bad for you.    To make it easier for you to succeed in cutting down your calories and losing weight, there are three key areas you’ll need to work on:

getting a healthy balance of food

. cutting down on the quantity you eat

. keeping to a regular eating pattern.

By keeping to these principles and following the weight loss plan, this should help you achieve a gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds (0.5-1kg) per week.  There may be some weeks when you lose more weight than this and other weeks where your weight may stay the same or go up. There can be many reasons for this – being unwell, a special occasion, water retention or being more active – but by tracing everything you will be able to look back and see why this may have happened.      




If this weight loss plan isn’t working for you, there are some commercial and self-help alternatives available that meet best practice guidelines and may suit you better.  If you need more personal, face to face support you may want to join a commercial group such as Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Counterweight to name but three.

The following lists below can actually help you to lose weight, gain confidence and live a healthier life but you cannot use them as a substitute for what has been outlined above.  They are supplements that support you in your journey to a healthier life and well-being.  Read as much as you can about them and whatever decisions you make about them be assured that you are the one who is ultimately in control of your life.  With that said please continue.

 DISCLAIMER; - The information on this blog stie is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  All content including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog site is for general information only.  NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS BLOG SITE


What is Exipure


Exipure is a dietary formula created to help people lose weight. It works on brown adipose tissues and makes the body store fat in the form of brown fat layers. This brown fat is not something unusual and is a normal part of the human body.

This link between obesity and brown fat is shown with some recent studies which further strengthens the assumption that metabolic changes can initiate a natural weight loss. But how to push the body into this change of fat storage without affecting the regular body functions? Most health experts agree that it is possible with some dietary changes and fixing the metabolic issues. While changing the diet is not possible for everyone, using a supplement is an alternative offers similar results

Within a few months of its launch, Exipure has become a favorite, mainly because of it’s aide in weight loss. It works faster and more efficiently than other dietary supplements with minimal chances of long-term side effects. Users are expected to take it on a daily basis for a few weeks before expecting to see results.

Here is a list of all Exipure ingredients and their help in weight loss.

  • Perilla: This ingredient works on elevating brown fat levels and burning them for a natural fat burner. It also works on cholesterol management and offers cardiovascular benefits to the body.
  • Holy Basil: This is a medicinal plant famous for many reasons. It works on lowering stress, inflammation, and digestive issues while triggering weight loss.
  • White Korean Ginseng: with a lot of scientific evidence ginseng works on relieving inflammation, lowering oxidative stress, improving immunity, and aiding in weight loss.
  • Amur Cork Bark: it is not a very famous name but it has been studied well for various medicinal effects. This bark eases digestive issues that show up during weight loss and saves you from distress.
  • Quercetin: Exipure formula also contains quercetin, an ingredient that works on boosting BAT levels, regulating blood pressure, and delaying aging.
  • Oleuropein: it works on cholesterol management, protecting the heart, and maintaining arterial health during weight loss.
  • Kudzu: This ingredient has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also fills in the body with numerous antioxidants, all of which support a healthy functioning body.
  • Propolis: the last name in the Exipure ingredients list work on sugar regulation and preventing diabetes type 2, the biggest threat for obese people.

 Based on all the information available online, here is a list of the pros and cons of Exipure diet pills.

Best features 

  • Herbal blend, using medicinal plants
  • US-made product
  • Non-GMO formula
  • No allergen inside
  • Easy to use
  • No side effects

Worst Features 

  • Limited availability
  • Not available locally
  • Not suitable for some people
  • Results may vary

The Exipure formula works on all who put their time and energy into using it. The results can show up within a few weeks but the complete progress may take up to six months.

Results can occur faster or slower in different users based on various independent factors. All users are advised to use it for at least four to eight weeks before deciding to continue its usage. For best, track your progress weekly by checking your weight and taking body measurements. Compare the results every week and evaluate the effects of this supplement.

Exipure comes in a pack of 30 capsules in a premium plastic bottle. The daily recommendation is to consume one capsule with a glass of water. Taking more than this dosage may cause side effects, therefore it should be avoided.



What is Ikaria Lean Belly Juice


Losing weight is essential for good health and confidence. Nowadays though, we aren’t opting for the best ways for weight loss.

Owing to celebrity culture, more and more people are opting for surgical procedures to remove excess weight. Some are choosing liposuction while others are going for other methods of weight loss. Commonly, people go for injections that help them slim down and enhance certain areas of their body. But is surgery an optimal way to lose weight?  Not really.

In fact, if anything, surgery is very harmful and risky. Not to mention, it's also very expensive. So, when you go for surgery for weight loss, not only are you putting your health at risk, but you are doing so by investing a ton of money in something that is basically harmful for you. There are many negative side effects that come with surgery that people often overlook.

Unfortunately, dieting and exercise don't produce fast results. Is there anything that you can do to make your weight loss journey easier and smoother? Fortunately, there are many supplements on the market which claim they can help you lose weight effectively. You can pair these with a good dose of physical activity and a healthy diet, and you will be able to notice results.

One supplement that is fairly new and is gaining a lot of attention because of its amazing mechanism is Ikaria Lean Belly Juice. This supplement contains natural ingredients for reducing uric acid levels in the body. According to the makers of this supplement, higher levels of uric acid are responsible for weight gain.

Furthermore, controlling uric acid levels is also important to keep your overall health in check. This is because excess uric acid can lead to a number of diseases such as heart disease, fatty liver disease, kidney disorders, and more. Ikaria Lean Belly Juice can be used to effectively lose weight and it may cut down the risk of such diseases significantly.

This product is a quality one that can be used conveniently which is why it is currently a top choice for many people.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice comes with a couple of benefits for your health. This formula is great for everyone who thinks that higher levels of uric acid are to blame for their weight gain and deteriorating health. Basically, higher levels of uric acid result when your kidneys are not able to flush out unnecessarily high mounds of uric acid from your body. So, Ikaria Lean Belly Juice helps with the deacidification process.

It ensures that unhealthy levels of uric acid are flushed out of your body so that you are able to lose weight. How are weight gain and uric acid related? Basically, higher uric acid leads to weight gain whereas weight control can help reduce this acid.

Left unchecked, uric acid in huge amounts can lead to kidney problems as well as liver diseases. It also increases the risk of different heart diseases. This is because increased uric acid can bring about higher blood pressure markers as well as higher blood sugar levels.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice doesn't only reduce uric acid levels, but it also ensures that your metabolism is sped up. With a higher fat burning rate, your body is able to produce higher energy levels. Furthermore, fast metabolism also means that you are able to lose weight.

Other than this, the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice supplement is able to support your health in the following ways:

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice detoxifies your body of harmful waste.

It improves your quality of sleep and ensures that you don't have to deal with insomnia.

Hormonal balance provided by the supplement ensures that your blood sugar levels are balanced.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice may help slow down the process of aging as well.

This formula can make you more active and more attentive.

It can improve your mental health as well. And this is because it provides freedom from stress as well as makes you more confident in your skin.

You can say that that Ikaria Lean Belly Juice helps you lose weight in three ways:

1. The primary function of the supplement is to target uric acid for weight control. This is because higher uric acid levels lead to an increase in your weight. On the other hand, losing weight helps reduce uric acid levels. So, both are interlinked.

2. Secondly, Ikaria Lean Belly Juice boosts your metabolism. Metabolism is the fat burning process of your body. If your metabolism is working at a fast pace, you're able to lose weight. This is because fats are used up by being converted into energy rather than being stored and contributing to weight gain.

3. Thirdly, this dietary supplement suppresses your appetite. This means that it prevents overeating. As you are naturally not inclined toward eating at all times, you’re able to lose weight. In fact, as your cravings are curbed, you're also able to maintain the weight that you lose. So, this is how Ikaria Lean Belly Juice works to help with weight loss.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice doesn't require a prescription to be used because it is fully natural. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry which is why minors shouldn't use this product nor should pregnant and breastfeeding women

You will need to read about the ingredients in the supplement and familiarize yourself with it so that if you are able to make the right decisions.



What is TEA BURN?


Almost everyone is struggling to remain fit and toned in today’s trend of rushing lifestyle, and that’s leading people to become obese. According to the latest scientific studies and research, poor metabolism is the key reason behind obesity, while other factors like poor lifestyle and poor eating habits also contribute to obesity and fat accumulation.

In this scenario, almost every individual is in search of a special weight loss supplement that will help him retain a toned and fit physique. When it comes to weight loss supplements, the name Tea Burn becomes highlighted automatically, and it is one of the most potent formulas to prevent obesity nowadays. As you inspect the list of Tea Burn ingredients, you will come to understand why the supplement has attained extreme popularity.

Tea Burn is a natural metabolism booster that helps elevate the natural metabolic rate of your body so that you lose fat more effectively, and taking Tea Burn has helped millions of users across the world.

The Tea Burn formula is a recognized and renowned formula in the space of weight loss supplements, and the supplement has helped enormous numbers of users lose weight effectively. That’s why users from different regions of the world love using the supplement to lose weight within short spans. Tea Burn not only makes you look attractive, but it aims to deliver other health benefits to ensure that your overall health remains optimal.

Existing users of Tea Burn don’t need a further introduction to the product. But if you haven’t tried the product yet, you may need further clarifications about what Tea Burn contains and how the product works.

The primary intent of this review is to provide my readers with as much information as possible about Tea Burn so that they can clear their doubts about purchasing the product. If you’re also skeptical about purchasing the product, go through the entire article to know more about its ingredients and its functions.

In simple words, Tea Burn is a special metabolic booster that claims to help users lose weight effectively. According to the manufacturers, taking Tea Burn can help enhance metabolism while users can attain other outstanding health benefits as well. The Tea Burn formula is made of some exciting ingredients, and the combination of these ingredients makes the formula more effective.

Tea Burn is manufactured by professional scientists and doctors, and they spent months inspecting the root cause of obesity and excess fat accumulation. Several scientific studies and research conducted in this phase helped them come to the conclusion that an individual’s metabolism is liable for the person’s body composition.

The studies also discovered that slow metabolism often leads to obesity, high blood sugar, and other health consequences. Some individuals are born with slow metabolism due to genetics, while others ruin their metabolic capabilities due to unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits.

The Tea Burn Formula is made of special and handpicked ingredients to ensure that nobody suffers from serious health complications like hypertension, diabetes, and other issues that are caused by obesity and excess weight.

Now, what makes Tea Burn distinct from other weight loss supplements available on the market? Well, you may get hundreds of weight reduction products available on the market, but none of them will target your body’s natural metabolism as Tea Burn does.

All the Tea Burn ingredients are blended in the supplement to make sure that the formula doesn’t fail to improve the basic metabolic rate of every user. That’s why taking Tea Burn is a better option and obvious choice instead of consuming other supplements for weight loss.

How Tea Burn works?

Speeds-up Metabolism

The Tea Burn ingredients are the main backbone of its potency. All of them have effects that boost the metabolism. Under metabolism, it is generally known as the process of chemical reactions happening inside our body. Metabolism is an essential process that aids in weight loss and burning fat.

And, thanks to the Tea burn weight loss formula, you can comfortably sit back, take your and watch the results happening.

Controls Appetite

One of the most significant things that contribute to weight increase is overeating. All weight reduction strategies urge you to cut back on how much you consume to reduce the accumulated fat. Controlling how much food you consume in a day, on the other hand, is easier said than done.

However, you may expect to control hunger pains if you include the Tea Burn in your regular diet because the components in this product target your appetite and strive to reduce it. As a consequence, you’ll be able to keep track of your calorie consumption and avoid gaining weight.

Improves Metabolism

Tea Burn powder speeds up the metabolism and improves its efficiency by eliminating any impediments that may be interfering with it. The Tea Burn’s increased efficiency may allow the body to burn more calories each minute.



What is Glucotrust?


A good night rest and ultimately sleep is not a negotiable option when it comes to the needs of the human body. To get optimum results from the body during the day, it is pertinent that it gets a robust amount of sleep at night or at any time during the day.

Lack of sleep for a prolonged time can prove to be very disturbing for anyone. It can be the root cause of disorientation and never-ending bouts of being overwhelmed.

A lot of people believe that physical, emotional and/or psychological exhaustion can ultimately lead to lack of sleep, while this assertion might not be wrong in itself, the causes of sleeplessness and the resultant restlessness seem to be more complicated than exhaustion.

One reason why sleep is very important is that the brain gets strengthened during sleep and can repair connections between the body and vital organs. This helps the body to maintain proper coordination and improve performance.

It has also been discovered that lack of sleep can negatively impact the blood sugar levels in the body. Those with stable blood sugar levels often fall asleep easily and sleep longer and deeper than those with unstable levels. No matter what type of life a person lives, everyone needs to get a good amount of sleep daily, and this is where GlucoTrust comes in.

Simply put, GlucoTrust is a supplement that can help to control and maintain a healthy blood sugar level in the human body. It contains minerals and vitamins that help in the circulation and flow of blood in the body. It helps you sleep well and calmly, as well as improves your feeding habit.

For someone who has diabetes, GlucoTrust is a supplement that can help improve sleep and bedtime. It has in it very rich ingredients that help to cure the two types of diabetes. It is everyone’s right to live healthily, GlucoTrust helps people balance their blood sugar levels as well as other health problems that are blood sugar related.

When you hear the word diabetes, sugar most likely comes to mind. Improper treatment or no treatment of diabetes can make life miserable for the victim. But no one deserves to live all their life with a horrible sickness such as diabetes, it can be treated or controlled. Simply by eating the right thing and using proven supplements, diabetes can be a thing long forgotten.

How GLOCUTRUST actually works?

GlucoTrust works by managing cоrtіsоl levels in the body to reduce visceral fat storage and boosting lеptіn levels to control appetite. To put this into context, cоrtіsоl is a steroid hоrmоnе in the body that plays a crucial role in the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. In other words, it is the hоrmоnе that decides whether the food you eat should be stored as fat.

As the body regulates cоrtіsоl while you are asleep, lack of sleep causes an elevation of cоrtіsоl levels and causes the food you eat to be turned into visceral fat, which is stored around your abdominal organs.

Based on my research, I can tell you that, GlucoTrust contains ingredients that help improve your sleep and regulate cоrtіsоl levels to burn body fat adequately and the formula also helps boost lеptіn which is the hunger-controlling hоrmоnе to make sure that you don’t exceed food intake. As a result, you should also experience reduced appetite and a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with a moderate meal.

In addition, since the formula contains many more natural ingredients, they come with myriad added benefits including support for the immune system and eliminating the risk of heart attacks, obesity, and other cardiovascular health complications.



What is JAVA BURN?


Struggling to get rid of excess pounds? Have you noticed that your metabolism has slowed down? For some people, they are easily able to lose weight because their metabolism is fast.

However, others struggle once they put on weight to get rid of it because their metabolism becomes sluggish. This doesn’t mean though that you’re forever going to have a slow metabolism. Because you can actually trigger a speedy metabolism by simply including an effective supplement in your routine.

Java burn is one such product that can help. This is a dietary supplement that contains ingredients combined in the correct proportions for meeting your body’s metabolic needs. It ensures that the fat burning process of your body is triggered and you are able to slim down effectively. The results that you get from this supplement are not temporary, which is why it is worth giving a try to.

Java Burn is a supplement that is available in the form of a powder. It is not like a typical dietary supplement that comes in the form of pills. You’re supposed to mix Java Burn into your morning coffee. While Java Burn can show positive effects when added in any healthy drink, it is recommended to mix the powder in your morning coffee. This way you will be able to experience the best effects of the supplement.

Java Burn has been designed to help your health in the following ways:

  • It is primarily for triggering weight loss so that you are able to achieve confidence.
  • Secondly, this dietary supplement also strengthens your immune system.
  • Other than this, Java Burn can get rid of chronic inflammation which can cause a slew of health problems.

 How does JAVA BURN work?

It is commonly known that coffee supports weight loss since it is a rich source of caffeine, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Java Burn formula is designed to enhance the process by supplying a blend of other fat-burning nutrients.

So when you mix it with coffee, the metabolic rate is said to increase which results in faster weight loss. Each of its ingredients is packed with metabolism-boosting nutrients that treat the main causes of accumulated fat such as insulin resistance, emotional eating, etc.

As the body absorbs these nutrients, the insulin function restores to its healthy state which automatically accelerates the fat burning process. Consequently, the stubborn fat located in your thighs, belly, arms, etc melts away to form a lean physique. Ingredients such as L-Theanine and chromium reduces cravings which enhances the fat loss process. Since L-Theanine also supports mood upliftment, binge eating automatically subsides and you feel full easily.

Most of the components of Java Burn are packed with antioxidants and thus, battles inflammation. They nourish the immune system to keep the body protected from many diseases and infections. Green tea extract and L-Carnitine are mostly seen to exhibit this function.

Whereas ingredients such as chlorogenic acid and chromium boost heart health by keeping blood sugar and blood pressure levels under control. Altogether, the Java Burn Coffee helps the body stay fit and healthy on the whole.





 LeanBiome's unique and proprietary formula is the first in the world to combine nine clinically-researched 'lean bacteria' species with Greenselect Phytosome®, a next-generation and caffeine-free green tea extract formulated with patented, absorption-boosting Phytosome technology.

Together, this advanced ingredient blend helps to quickly reverse the bacterial imbalance in your gut microbiome – the newly-discovered root cause of belly fat and unexplained weight gain.

In a 12-week clinical trial published in the esteemed British Journal of Nutrition, Japanese scientists recruited 210 overweight volunteers and divided them into two groups.

The first group drank milk which included a species of 'lean bacteria' called Lactobacillus Gasseri.

The placebo group drank only the milk.

Fast forward just 12 weeks, and the L. Gasseri group had lost, on average, a whopping 8.5% of belly fat.

For the typical American woman weighing 170 lbs, that's a loss of 15 lbs of stubborn fat in just three months – doing nothing else.

Added to that, the study found that the participants had "significantly reduced" their overall body weight, BMI, and waist size, as well as the amount of dangerous visceral fat around their organs.

Crucially, the control group who didn't take L. Gasseri showed no changes at all!

Even better, when the L. Gasseri group stopped drinking the milk and came back one month later for a follow-up, the scientists were shocked to discover that the fat loss stopped too, and their weight, BMI, waist size, and visceral fat had begun to climb again…

Proving how effective this species really is at curbing appetite and cravings, firing up the metabolism, and reducing fat storage.

In a recent clinical study at the University of Laval in Canada, also published in the British Journal of Nutrition, scientists gave a group of overweight women another lean bacteria species called Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.

The other half received a placebo.

At the end of the 12-week study, the L. Rhamnosus group had lost an average of 9.7 lbs of fat…

Twice as much as the placebo group!

In another clinical trial that took place at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, and later published in the Journal of Functional Foods, a third lean bacteria species called Lactobacillus Fermentum produced a 3% drop in body fat in just 43 days Compared to just 1% for the placebo group.  In other words, this species tripled the level of fat loss in just six weeks, despite both groups eating the exact same diet!

Green tea is clinically-shown to rebalance the gut microbiome and therefore help to suppress hunger, dampen cravings, fire up the metabolism, and reduce fat storagE.  

Meaning those excess pounds fall off without you even realizing what's happening!

And Greenselect Phytosome® helps do this better than any type of green tea you can imagine.

In a clinical trial published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine, 50 overweight men and women were given 300mg per day of Greenselect Phytosome® and put on a calorie-controlled diet.  The other 50 trial participants were put only on the diet.

After 90 days, the average weight loss in the Greenselect Phytosome® group was an incredible 30 lb.  Compared to just 11 lbs for the diet-only group.  That's almost three times as much weight loss for the green tea group in those 90 days.

And to make sure this happens, LeanBiome is meticulously produced and stored in our state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected, climate-controlled, and Good Manufacturing Processes Certified facility, in the USA.

This we are told guarantees the strictest standards in terms of quality control to ensure the finest, purest, and most effective product.

And to ensure that as many people as possible can experience the benefits of LeanBiome, is vegan-friendly, and free from gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, crustaceans, and of course, nasty GMOs, and BPAs.



What is Smoothie Diet?


The Smoothie Diet is a 21-day program created by Head Coach Drew. For 21 days, users need to follow a set of smoothie recipes as a meal replacement to lose weight. These recipes are personally created by Coach Drew and have been tested to helping people not just lose weight but maintain and keep it.

Coach Drew guarantees that his delicious, easy-to-make smoothies can help people lose weight rapidly and, at the same time, can increase their energy and boosts their overall health. He labelled this product as a revolutionary new life-transformation system guaranteed to help users become slimmer and sexier in 21 days. And, not only that, but users will also feel better than they have in years.

Each smoothie recipe is created using a holistic weight-loss approach that considers adequate nutrition that improves the dieter’s health and well-being.

How does the Smoothie Diet work?

For 21 days, users would drink the smoothies instead of eating their meals. The smoothies become an official meal replacement that, according to those who tried it, help curb their hunger and make them feel full all throughout the day. From this logic alone, if the dieters won’t cheat, they will surely lose weight because they follow a calorie-restricted meal plan.

Losing weight by drinking nutritious smoothies for three weeks is the primary goal of the Smoothie Diet program. Each smoothie recipe is created as a meal replacement to induce weight loss. Here are the top benefits of taking this life-changing diet program:

o    Curbs the appetite

o    Reduces extra body fats

o    Boosts energy

o    Lessens consumption of unhealthy American diet

o    Boosts the immune system

o    Improves overall health

And, of course, losing weight and keeping it.

 As this is a diet program, there’s no guarantee that it works for everyone. It may work well for one user but doesn’t have the same results as others. Results also depend on how the user religiously follows each recipe and their lifestyle changes while doing the program. Nevertheless, here are its pros and cons.


o    Easy to follow grocery list.

o    Easy to prepare smoothie recipes that won’t interfere with your busy schedule.

o    It provides low-calorie, delicious meal replacement smoothie recipes filled with natural ingredients.

o    Can lose weight even before the 21-day program ends.

o    A safe way to slim down as each smoothie recipe consists of all-natural ingredients.

o    Increase the user’s nutrition intake.

o    It can also improve skin and hair health.

o    The program is downloadable online.


o    The program can only be downloaded on their website.

o    The program needs the users to follow it religiously to achieve great results.

o    Results may vary from one user to another

Knowing these pros and cons would surely help people come up with an informed decision whether they’ll purchase the program or not.

How effective is the Smoothie Diet?

With the Smoothie Diet, weight loss is guaranteed because dieters won’t be consuming their usual meals. Instead, they are drinking smoothies filled with nutritious vegetables and fruits, which can help them quickly lose weight. As their calories and carbohydrates consumption is cut off, it is just natural that they will eventually lose weight.

The vegetables and fruits in each smoothie recipe created by Coach Drew are scientifically proven to aid weight loss. And not only that, but these greens also help dieters gain more energy, clearer skin, better sleep, sharper thinking, stabilized blood sugar, and many more.

Many studies show evidence that certain fruits and vegetables are good for weight loss and managing weight. These are the exact ingredients Coach Drew carefully selected for each recipe he featured in the Smoothie Diet.



What is Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic?


Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, also known as The Ancient Japanese Fat Melting Booster, is a natural dietary supplement for weight management, exclusively available at The Flat Belly Tonic website. There are so many popular fat burning supplements in the market but what makes Okinawa different is that it’s formulated with a very long but unique and wholesome list of potent ingredients.

This weight-loss supplement has been reigning the charts for having helped many consumers burn excess weight, improve their metabolism, reduce inflammation and revitalize their energy levels. For best results, its manufacturers recommend taking a scoop of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic every morning before 10 am. You can read this review of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic to know more about the brand.

This scoop contains an adequate amount of pro and prebiotic needed to shed excess weight, and the powdered state easily dissolves in the blood to release its effects readily in your body.

Simply mix one scoop of the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic with water, a shake, or any other beverage of your choice, and drink it every day for increased energy and strength. This morning drink triggers your metabolism and keeps your bowels moving so you can stay fresh and light all day while your body burns the obstinate fat.


·         The ingredients of this tonic are all-natural

·         Some contents of this product may aid in producing fat-burning hormones

·         The consumers may feel stabilized energy levels

·         The tonic endorses healthy weight management

·         It supports an effective inflammatory response

·         Pre and probiotics help improve your gut health

·         The formula has tons of vitamin C and antioxidants-driven plant and fruit extract

·         It is sold online, which eliminates the risk of scammers


·         It can only be purchased online from the official website

·         Not recommended for use by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers

·         The formula is fit for consumption by individuals who are 18 and above

How Does the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Works?

There are a hundred and one weight losing supplements out on the market, but not many target the root cause; Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic targets the root cause and eliminates the risk of attracting obesity ever again. Don’t believe us? Time to dive deep into how Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic brings optimum results for its users.

Visceral fat or belly fat is associated with disorders of the metabolic system and puts you at risk for cardiovascular diseases, Type II diabetes, breast cancer, and gallbladder surgery.

The ingredients present in Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic aid in burning the visceral fats or the tummy fat around your abdominal cavity. The biologically active ingredients aim at the C-reactive proteins in the blood that obstruct metabolic actions and cause inflammation.

Inflammation is triggered by stressing a lot, not getting full hours of sleep, not eating a balanced diet, eating at random hours, or not pursuing an active lifestyle. People who are obese tend to have more inflammation since obesity is considered as an inflammatory state and disturbance of inflammatory markers (CRPs). These small proteins disturb metabolic progressions that consequents in the blockage of adiponectin – a fat-burning hormone.

With regular usage of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, CRPs are settled and adiponectin is activated. This causes your body to go into fat-burning mode, whereby it starts to convert nutrients into usable energy and stops storing fat cells.

The Features & Benefits of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

A multitude of weight loss supplements like pills purport to aid with weight loss; so, what makes this ancient Japanese fat-burning potion unique? How can a powder full of mere probiotics have such an impact on one’s overall health?

Get ready to have all such questions and concerns addressed as you sift through the features and benefits of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic.

Boosts Metabolism: This weight-management supplement boosts your metabolic system, which further accelerates the process of fat oxidation. If your metabolism is fast, you will burn more calories during activity and even at rest. Eventually, you will not have to follow any harsh restrictive diets that can lead to eating disorders.

Aids in Digestion: Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic aims digestion with the help of the digestive enzymes present in the formula. These enzymes hold similar qualities to probiotic supplements, but they have different functions. Your body needs enzymes to digest and absorb nutrients. Enzymes like Lipase break down fats, amylase breaks down carbohydrates, while protease and peptidases break down protein to get absorbed by the body. If your body does not produce enough enzymes, your digestive system slows down and starts to display uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, or flatulence.



What is Lanta Flat Belly Shake?


The Lanta Flat Belly Shake formula is a weight loss supplement made with plant-based ingredients effective for weight loss. It is non-GMO, vegetarian, and contains 100% natural ingredients. In addition, this product comes in the form of a shake which will make you feel fuller and reduce your urge for food. As a result, your body will utilize stored fat for energy while allowing the supplement to play its role.

To increase energy level, suppress appetite, and boost metabolism, the manufacturer suggests that you take the shake once per day. The formula comes in powder form, which you can mix with water or other beverages to make a delicious and nutritious fruity shake. It works by regulating the GLP-1 hormone. This hormone is responsible for weight gain or loss. The collaboration between the natural ingredients and the GLP-1 hormone makes the Lanta Shake function fully. Once consumed, there will be no further production of fat cells and no more unnecessary craving for unhealthy foods.

If you are under any medication, consult with your doctor to ascertain if the drug and Lanta Belly Flat Shake can work together or not. That way, you will avoid the side effects of using one alongside the other. Additionally, you need to ensure that you are not allergic to the ingredients added to the formula. However, it is unlikely that you will react with the Lanta Shake since its ingredients are all-natural and vegan friendly.


Unlike capsules, powder mixed with water gets absorbed into the body faster. So, you will notice changes after a few months of using Lanta Flat Belly Shake.

The formula is easy to consume and the digestive system can easily break it down. Its ability to level GLP-1 hormone helps you lose weight without a diet. The Lanta Flat Belly Shake consists of five powerful natural ingredients that target stubborn stomach fat. Furthermore, once you take the formula, you will not feel hungry for some time. As a result, your food intake will significantly reduce.

The fat belly shake is easy to prepare and delicious, but you need to be cautious not to take too much. The shake is a high-quality formula manufactured in FDA-approved facilities and GMP standards-compliant.


           365-day money-back guarantee

           Discounts available on bulk purchases

           All-natural ingredients

           Suitable for vegetarians

           Boost the immune system

           Suppresses appetite

           Accelerates metabolism

           Increases energy levels

           Helps in diabetes management

           It has a measuring scoop


           Only available on the official website

Lanta Flat Belly Supplement Ingredients

Lanta Flat Belly Shake comprises five natural herbs and minerals that aid in weight loss. Below are the ingredients discussed in detail:


Mangosteen is an oxidant responsible for fighting oxygen radicals. The oxidants in Mangosteen are called xanthones. They focus on oxidative stress that results in the accumulation of harmful fat storage. Their job is to make the fat oxidation process quicker. Additionally, Mangosteen makes your body more sensitive to insulin, speeding food processing. In return, you get sufficient energy to take you through the day and carry out activities without getting fatigued.

Mangosteen has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-diabetic effects as an oxidant.

Panax Ginseng

Panax Ginseng is an ingredient commonly used by men to increase their sex drive and energy. It is especially effective in eliminating erectile dysfunction.

When used in a weight loss product, the manufacturer considers it because it contains ginsenosides. These are the compounds responsible for preventing the further generation of fat cells, which helps the user burn out fat. Additionally, Panax Ginseng boosts your energy levels. It gives you the strength to carry out your duties and work out with ease. Besides, this ingredient is an excellent boost for cognitive function. So, you will maintain focus and clearly understand and interpret events.

Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon is a tasty spice that helps in burning excess fat. Moreover, cinnamon prevents the absorption of sugar into the blood system hence lowering blood sugar levels. This is effective for diabetes management. It also has thermogenesis effects that raise internal body temperature resulting in fat and calorie burn.

Cinnamon generally ensures that your body retains a healthy form by keeping off harmful chemicals that could make you feel sick. Besides being a weight loss supplement ingredient, you can use cinnamon as a spice and add it to food, soup, or tea.


Ashwagandha is an Asian herb that gives relief from anxiety and reduces stress. With the health complications associated with stress, Ashwagandha allows you to live a healthy life by boosting your immunity. Since it is an adaptogenic herb, consuming it enables you to manage mental and physical stress.

It is also effective for regulating insulin, making it effective for managing diabetes. In addition, it reduces your cortisol levels. This, in turn, reduces your appetite, so you can only eat when necessary without constantly snacking. The ingredient is also known to improve your energy levels and support your brain health.


The Lanta Flat Belly Shake also contains the ECGE as one of its components. It is a metabolic burner from Asian Green Tea and increases the fat burning rate. Besides green tea, you can get ECGE from strawberries, apples, cherries, cranberries, blackberries, and avocados. It is so effective that you will achieve your dream body after using it for some months with ease.

ECGE has antioxidant properties that prevent the growth of harmful cells like cancer cells. Most importantly, it is an excellent remedy for inflammations caused by unhealthy eating or muscle strains.

To attain a slim, fit body easily and quickly, we recommend that you take 338 mg per day. It accelerates metabolism, enabling the body to burn calories, leaving you with a healthier and fitter body.

How Does Lanta Flat Belly Shake Work?

Gaining weight is much easier, but the struggle comes when you want to lose some. Many people have tried different methods to lose weight but end up disappointed by the lack of a positive outcome. Therefore, if you are on a weight loss journey, ensure that you get a solution that works. If workouts and dieting don’t work for you, it could be time to get yourself weight loss supplements to get the work done. However, not all supplements work. This is why we recommend the tried and tested Lanta Flat Belly Shake. So, how does this supplement work?

Energy conversion

To start, the Lanta Shake converts the food you eat into the energy that the body uses to perform various tasks. It helps the body to burn excess calories and suppresses appetite. That way, you eat less and shed some weight in the process. Additionally, it controls the digestive process to ensure that only healthy foods get to the blood system.

GLP-1 Hormone

When you eat junk foods like pizza, burgers, and dessert, the digestive system releases the GLP-1 hormone, a metabolic enzyme. In return, the hormone lowers the rate of glucose absorption into the blood. Instead of having the food stored as fat, the hormone ensures that it is converted into valuable energy. Lanta Flat Berry Shake helps you feel full longer after eating less food. The less you eat, the more room for the shake to work on your body fat. Low GLP-1 levels mean that your body will not melt down fat as expected, making it hard to lose weight.


Once you eat, the food is absorbed into the bloodstream, raising blood glucose levels. The glucose absorption rate is so high that insulin can’t counter it to convert it into useful energy. Consequently, the liver converts this glucose to the fat accumulated in the stomach, arms, and hips. When glucose levels are not balanced, you will experience a rise in appetite. This will lead you to eat more than you should, and you will gain weight in the process. However, when the GLP-1 hormone is working as expected, your blood sugar remains balanced regardless of what you eat. You also feel very satisfied with little food.

The good news is that Lanta Flat Berry Shake comprises ingredients that give the GLP-1 hormone the required strength to fight oxygen radicals. Oxygen radicals result from pollution, poison, and food and water with radioactive materials that could harm you.

Benefits of Lanta Flat Belly Shake

Besides being an excellent weight loss supplement, Lanta Flat Belly Shake has many more health benefits. They include:

Boosts Metabolism

Accelerated metabolism is one of the most efficient ways to burn fat. Your internal body heats up, melting unwanted fat out of your system. Lanta Shake ensures that the metabolism rate goes up, resulting in the loss of extra pounds.

Suppress Appetite

When you take Lanta Flat Belly Shake, you will feel full for long hours, lowering your urge for food. Also, it makes you full faster even with little food. Therefore, it reduces your chances of gaining weight. It also lowers your junk intake since you can wait till meal time without feeling hungry.

Healthier Digestion

If you have had issues with your digestive system, it is now time to wave them bye because the solution has just arrived. Lanta Flat Belly Shake improves your food digestion by ensuring that whatever you eat gets broken down with ease. Also, the fact that you eat less reduces the work your digestive system has to do. As a result, this enables it to tackle the small potions easily.

Blood Sugar Control

Lanta Flat Belly Shake contains the DPL-1 hormone that regulates glucose absorption into the blood. Whatever you eat, provided the hormone is working, your blood sugar remains stable. That way, your body gets enough sugars that insulin can counter.

Increased Energy Levels

Are you worried that eating less food will make you weak? The Lanta Shake has got you covered. A single dose of this formula will give you the energy you need to perform your duties as usual with less or no food. The energy is a result of fast food processing.

Burn More Calories

One of Lanta Shake’s ingredients is Cinnamon Barks. Cinnamon is commonly used as a food spice. However, it is also effective in helping the body burn calories. Lanta Shake contains a good serving of cinnamon, so you will be able to burn calories without exercising or dieting.

Achieving Dream Body

Taking a dose of Lanta Shake once per day for a few months is enough to burn fat and help you lose weight. After all, the ultimate goal is losing weight and attaining the body you like. The supplement enables you to achieve this by increasing metabolism and curbing cravings. Besides, being in the shape you want makes you feel good about yourself and gives you confidence.

Side Effects of Lanta Flat Belly Shake Supplements

Lanta Flat Belly Shake hardly causes any adverse side effects since it contains thoroughly researched natural ingredients. However, you might experience minor side effects that eventually go away. We’ve reviewed the usual causes of side effects below to set your mind at ease.

Quality of Production

Production of the formula took place in an FDA-certified lab and underwent tests for purity and quality. This assures users that the supplement is safe for consumption. To confirm the quality of the shake, all ingredients undergo clinical tests to verify that they are effective for weight loss. No side effects have been reported so far from previous users.


Before settling for a specific weight loss supplement, look through the ingredients list to ascertain that you can tolerate them. Lanta Flat Belly Shake consists of various ingredients that may not agree with your system. In addition, the formula might cause a severe reaction if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Therefore, check the components of the Flat Belly Shake, and if there is any ingredient you can’t tolerate, don’t purchase.


To ensure that you get the best results from Lanta Flat Belly Shake, you should use it with caution. We recommended that you only use one serving per day for healthy people. If you are overweight or in poor health, you should follow your doctor’s instructions on how much to use each day.

First-time use

If it is your first time using the weight loss supplement, you might experience nausea since it is foreign to your body. However, the feeling goes away after some time as you get accustomed to it.

Underlying health conditions

You should not use Lanta Flat Belly Shake if you have other health conditions. It could worsen the situation and may be difficult to control. Additionally, using the product alongside a physical prescription could result in the medication not working as anticipated. In the same light, you may not achieve the slim body you desire. The medication could hinder the supplement from performing optimally.


Balloons.  A short summary of a new and novel direction in weight loss.  Lose an average 10 - 15% body weight in 16 weeks.  Are you overweight? Fed up with wasting money on weight-loss tools that don't work? A new program called The Allurion Programme supports your ongoing weight-loss over 6 months.  To get results on this programme you will have to swallow a balloon and it is gaining popularity in over 40 countries worldwide.

How Does The Gastric Balloon Work?A swallowable balloon, the Allurion Balloon (previously known as Elipse Balloon) is a balloon in a small capsule and you swallow under the guidance of our Healthcare Professionals without anaesthesia or endoscopy*.

The stomach balloon (pioneered in the UK) will be inflated, checked using a quick x-ray and you’ll be on your way! The entire procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. You will also be supported by the Allurion Connected Scale, Health Tracker, and App.

What happens to the Allurion Balloon?

During your Balloon journey, you and your healthcare team will focus on your relationship with food, goals, and education to help you achieve the best weight-loss results for you, and to set you up for weight loss maintenance after the Balloon has gone. After approximately 16 weeks, the Balloon will naturally deflate and pass through your digestive system.

This further proves that there is nothing people won’t do to lose weight.  For more information please google the Allurion Balloon phenomenum.


I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have made this information public on the internet.  Thanks to all those who have provided the basis of the knowledge shared above. They include and are not limited to  Kshitij Nigam, Eva Cordin, kisspr.com,Glucofort, Exipure, Ikaria Juice, TEA BURN, The Smoothie DIet, Okinawa FLat Belly Tonic, GlucoTrust, Java Burn, LeanBiome, Lanta Flat Belly Shake.

 DISCLAIMER; - The information on this blog stie is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  All content including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog site is for general information only.  NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS BLOG SITE



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