10 African Foods That Help You Lose Weight

The term African foods is used here because they are popular with millions on the continent but many do not have African origin however they are eaten in many African countries and are easy to get on the market in the US, EU,UK and elsewhere.

Steamed vegetable (African spinach)
2 servings
Handful Blanched African Spinach (Alayahu/Efo)
2 Tablespoons roughly blended pepper and onion mix
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
Cube Seasoning
1 Small Onion (Diced)
1 Teaspoon garlic paste
Steps 1
Place a pan or pot on a medium flame, add the oil, saute the onion and garlic for about 3 minutes. Add the pepper and onion mix. Stir fry for about 5 minutes until cooked.
Steps 2
Add the blanched vegetable and seasoning cube to taste. Stir and take off the heat. Serve on the side with rice, spaghetti, moi moi, macaroni, yam, potatoes...............
1. Spinach.
Leafy greens like spinach and a few others speed up weight loss process as they are low in calories but rich in insoluble fiber, which aids weight loss. Before you begin eating this, ensure you have your meal appropriately planned. If possible, you can see an expert to advise you on how to include spinach to your diet for weight loss purposes.
2. Egg
Despite being a source of protein, eggs also help in boosting metabolism due to the presence of high amino acid. This nutrient helps in building muscles, which are a necessary replacement for fats. Eggs are rampant in Africa and quite affordable. You should eat them in moderation to avoid gaining weight instead of losing. Seek professional advice on how to go about eating eggs for weight loss.
3. Brown rice
Brown rice is a better alternative to white rice when choosing carbohydrate foods that help you lose weight. A half-cup serving of brown rice has 1.7 grams of resistant starch, a nutrient which burns fat and boosts metabolism. Moreover, it’s low in calories. Though brown rice is not so popular in African, it’s been eaten in a couple of African countries.
4. Green plantain
Green plantain is much better than yellow plantain when trying to lose weight. The green ones have resistant starch, whereas the resistant starch of the yellow ones has turned to sugar. And the resistant starch aids weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing fat. Green plantain can also be referred to as unripe plantain.
5. Kidney beans
Kidney beans aid in weight loss, as studies suggest. Per serving, there are more than 5 grams of protein and fiber in kidney beans. It also contains resistant starch, which is nearly 2 grams in a half-cup serving. All these nutrients are needed for weight loss.
6. Oats
The calories level of oats is low, and the fat it contains is just 1.5 grams. Aside from being one of the foods that help you lose weight, it also aids digestion. You can use oat to prepare porridge, swallow, and crunchies to snack on. Oats are much available in Africa and are being used for specific diets. You can start using them to aid your weight loss journey.
7. Lean beef
Just like other foods rich in protein, lean meats also help in weight loss. It has less than 4 grams of fat per 100 grams. Try preparing Sega wat, a spicy Ethiopian beef stew.
8. Cashew nuts
If you feel like snacking, then try cashew nuts. It contains magnesium, which regulates your metabolism of fat and carbohydrate. However, cashew nuts are high in calories, so consume a little of it.
9. Avocados
Avocados help in burning calories after a meal. Also, it’s a filling meal, especially when you cook it with sweet potato or prepare it as a fruit salad. This is one food in Africa you can find easily. So you won’t have difficulties getting it for your weight loss race.
10. Walnuts
Walnut contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and plant-sterols,
which helps in controlling appetite. These nutrients also help in suppressing hunger. Walnuts can be found in most African countries; you can find them in any popular food market.

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